Your wedding day should to be the happiest day in your entire life. But what have been the happiest memories of your life so far? Maybe, it’s the moment when you realized that you fell in love with your partner, or the day your first child was born. Or the first time you got to the place you’ve been dreaming about for years?..
First look at a breathtaking view from a mountaintop you just hiked? First time skiing/snowboarding/riding a bike downhill while screaming like crazy – because it’s freaking scary? Or a walk on a beach while holding hands with your loved ones, enjoying the sunset together while breathing in salty sea breeze?
I don’t know about you, but for me it’s this kind of experiences that make me feel alive. These are the ones I’m going to remember forever. These are the memories I wish I had pictures of to fill my family album with. The pictures I could look at and relive these amazing memories of my life.
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