Bride and groom walking on amazing white beach of Senja island in Norway

Beautiful summer wedding in Senja – Norway wedding photographer

Norwegian translation below

Senja is for sure one of the most amazing places in Norway. No wonder Tina and Stian chose it for their wedding day, even though they now live in Oslo. And I’m so happy they chose me to be their wedding photographer and capture their summer wedding in beautiful Senja here in Norway.

Tina and Stian are from Senja and Finnsnes (a town nearby), and they call Senja the most beautiful island in the world. First time, they met each other at a party in Senja back in 2010. Then, in 2012 they got together it was when Tina lived in Sandefjord and Stian just moved to Oslo.

Handsome groom in tuxedo getting ready  to the  wedding ceremony in Senja, Nprway
Lenvik kirke i Finnsnes, Troms på en varm sommerdag. Senja wedding photographer is capturing the details of the wedding day
Lenvik church in Finnsnes on a sunny summer day

How was the proposal?

  • Summer 2017 we were on holidays in Senja. Stian and I are always hiking a lot when we are there, and we try to hike as many trails as we can, tells Tina.
  • Few days before the proposal Stian suggested a mountain hike on that day, so I was wondering why this exact day was so important. I already had a workout that day, and the day after I expected some friends to visit me. The weather wasn’t the best either… However, I agreed to that hike anyway, Tina tells.
  • When we were at the mountaintop, he said he had something for me. I was very hungry, as I didn’t eat anything after the first workout, so I was hoping it was some food he was talking about, she remembers.
Beautiful bride walking down the aisle towards her groom in Lenvik church in Finnsnes, Troms
Senja wedding photographer captured stunning bride smiling to her groom during wedding ceremony in Lenvik church in Finnsnes, Troms

She said yes!

In the rain, wind and sun, with the most beautiful rainbow in the background, they were sitting there on the rocks side by side.

  • Stian started telling me nice things about me and our relationship (yet, I didn’t realize why), and then he popped up the ringbox and asked if I wanted to marry him, Tina says.

She was so surprised , and therefore the first thing she screamed was:

  • NOOOO, is that true?!
  • Stian was probably coldsweating for a little moment. But of course I wanted to marry him! She adds.
Senja wedding photographer captured Norwegian wedding ceremony in Lenvik church in Finnsnes Troms
Wedding guests cheering bride and groom who just got married in Senja and walk out of the church in Lenvik
Bridesmaids and groomsmen walking with the bride and groom right after wedding ceremony in Senja while Senja wedding photographer photographs them

Sporty couple

Stian is very fond of hunting and outdoor activities. Tina spends a lot of time at a football pitch, which is also her part-time job. They both are in love with nature of Senja and Finnsnes. Therefore it was very important to celebrate the wedding there.

Planning their summer wedding on Senja island

  • It was important for us to share our wedding day with many guests; therefore we needed a big venue for our party. We chose Varden bygdehus, because it reflects us as a couple. We wanted to have a relaxed and casual party, that’s why we preferred to rent this property and have an open bar for all our guests, says Tina.  
Bride and groom taking a boat trip to a beautiful island outside of Senja in Troms Norway
Bride and groom taking a boat trip to a beautiful beach just outside of Senja
Senja wedding photographer captured beautiful moment when the groom lifts his beautiful bride and swirl her around in front of the amazing landscapes of Senja
Bride and groom arrived to a stunning white sandy beach with a crystal clear water
Young and beautiful bride and groom enjoy an intimate moment at the white sand beach of secluded island on Senja, Norway

Tina has some wedding planning tips for brides- and grooms-to-be:

  • Start early with your guestlist and things that you need to buy. It will save you from a lot of stress in the time right before the wedding day! Don’t worry about small things. If you forgot to put toothpicks on the tables, none will notice it! So, lower your shoulder and enjoy your day!

What would you say about TS Foto Design – photographer for your wedding in Senja?

  • We strongly recommend TS Foto Design as a wedding photographer! She is incredibly talented photographer who has an eye for the details, She is efficient, cooperative, energetic and committed! We are very happy that we chose her to capture all the fantastic moments of our big day.
Bride and groom walking on a beautiful secluded  beach in Senja Norway with white sand and crystal clear water
Senja Norway wedding photographer captured stunning bride and groom on an island near Senja, Troms
Wonderful beach near Senja Norway is an amazing backdrop for a wedding or elopement photography

Sommerbryllup på en nord-norsk perle, Senja

Senja er definitivt en av de vakreste plassene i Norge. Det ikke så rart at Tina og Stian valgte å gifte seg der, selv om de nå bor i Oslo. Begge to er fra Senja og Finnsnes, og de selv kaller Senja for verdens vakreste øy. De møtte hverandre i 2010, på en bygdefest på Senja, men de ble først sammen i 2012, da Tina bodde i Sandefjord og Stian flyttet til Oslo.

Handsome groom is holding his new wife in his arms and they are having a lovely moment together while Senja wedding photographer photographs their wedding portraits
Bride and groom running on a white sand beach on a warm sunny day at Senja, Norway
Bride and groom kissing on a beautiful beach at Færøya island outside of Senja

Hvordan var frieriet?

  • Frieriet var helt perfekt! Vi var hjemme på ferie sommeren 2017. Vi bruker alltid å utnytte sommerferien ved å få til så mange fjellturer på Senja som mulig, forteller Tina.
  • Stian spurte noen dager i forveien om vi ikke skulle ta oss en fjelltur denne dagen, og jeg lurte på hvorfor akkurat den aktuelle dagen. Jeg skulle få besøk av noen venninner dagen etter, og hadde alt hatt en treningsøkt på fotballbanen. Været var heller ikke på sitt beste, men jeg gikk med på å dra, sier Tina.
  • Da vi kom på fjelltoppen sa Stian at han hadde noe til meg. Jeg var ganske sulten da jeg ikke har fått i meg noe mat etter treningsøkta, så jeg håpet at det var noe spiselig.
Barefoot and happy bride running at the beach of Senja
Barefoot and happy bride running on the beach
Bride and groom joking around and chasing each other
Tina is a football player, so running and joking around on the wedding day is a must
Bride and groom took a boat trip to a completely amazing beach of Færøya at Senja

I regn, vind og sol, og med den fineste regnbuen i bakgrunnen, satt de side om side på en stein.

– Stian begynte å si fine ting om meg og forholdet vårt (jeg skjønte ikke hvorfor han sa dette). Deretter tok han opp ringboksen og spurte om jeg ville gifte meg med han. Jeg ble så overrasket at jeg ropte: “NEEEI, er det sant?”. Haha! Stian ble sikkert litt svett i noen sekunder da det kunne tolkes på flere måter. Selvfølgelig ville jeg det! – forteller Tina.

Sporty par

Gorgeous bride and groom sitting on the boat having a good time
Windy boat trip for a bride and groom
Windy boat trip on the wedding day
Bride and groom visited a stunning gem of Northern Norway - Færøya at Senja

Stian er veldig glad i jakt og friluft, Tina tilbringer mye tid på fotballbane der hun også jobber deltid. Begge er veldig glade i naturen på hjemstedene sine, derfor var det veldig viktig å feire bryllupsdagen akkurat der.


  • Det var viktig for oss å ha et stort lokale som kunne romme mange mennesker, samt åpen bar. Vi ville dele dagen vår med mange gjester, og ønsket et uformelt og avslappet atmosfære, derfor passet Varden bygdehus veldig fint til våre planer.
Bride and groom kissing in vintage cbriolet on the way to their wedding party at Varden bygdehus at Senja, Troms
Bride and groom walking on an empty highway towards the horizon
Bridal car got broken right before the party, and the driver is fixing it
Not a cheesy “Let’s pretend that our car got broken”-photo, but a real moment right before the wedding party
Bridesmaid is joking around while the driver fixes broken bridal car
The vintage cabriolet got broken right before the wedding party, and it took a few minutes to get it up and running again

Tina tipser kommende brudepar:

  • Vær tidlig ute med å sette gjesteliste og begynne med innkjøp. Det gjør at man slipper å stresse så mye i siste liten. Kjøp inn litt for mye istedenfor akkurat. Prøv å unngå å tenke så mye på om alt blir gjort. Det er andre som tar seg av dette. Om du har glemt å sette ut tannpirkere på et bord, så er det ingen som legger merke til det. Det er kun du som vet det. Senk skuldrene og nyt dagen! Sier Tina.

Hva synes dere om TS Foto Design?

  • Vi vil på det sterkeste anbefale TS Foto Design som bryllupsfotograf! Hun er en utrolig dyktig fotograf som har øye for detaljer og gjør alt hun kan for å gjøre kunden fornøyd. Hun er effektiv, samarbeidsvillig, energisk og engasjert. Vi er veldig glad for at akkurat hun fanget de fantastiske øyeblikkene på den store dagen!
Groom kisses his bride on the forehead in a field of pink flowers on a sunny summer day
Bride and groom enjoying the moment in a flower field right before the wedding party begins
Bride and groom just arrived to a wedding reception and guests cheer them outdoors
wedding guests having good time outdoors at the party
All the guests enjoying their time at the wedding party in Senja, Norway
Beautiful bride and groom at their wedding party sitting for the dinner
wedding table decorated with pink and purple details

List of vendors

  • Hair and makeup: Marte Mathiassen from Jill Salong, Finnsnes
  • Church: Lenvik kirke
  • Florals: Blomsterliv – Liv-Karin Halvorsen
  • Wedding dress: St. Patrick, Kristins brudesalong
  • Wedding venue: Varden bygdehus, chef Tor Arne Rasmussen